Ron is an active advocate for dementia, caregiving, aging, and research communities. Being a caregiver to his father who lived with Alzheimer’s for 10+ years to age in place at home in Toronto until January 2018, Ron utilized technology, community, and access to research to support his family’s life to live well and as best as possible. In recent years, Ron has been called upon to present across Canada and Internationally for Alzheimer’s Societies, local communities, police, universities/colleges, researchers, and industry innovators to share his knowledge about living with dementia, caregiving strategies, aging, and technology innovation in health care. Ron is a leading member of AGE-WELL, Canada’s Technology and Aging Network, where he chairs the Older Adult and Caregiver Advisory Committee and was recently the recipient of the AGE-WELL 2020 Honorary Fellows Award.
Some of Ron’s current affiliations and activity include:
- Centre for Aging and Brain Health Innovation (CABHI) at Baycrest, Senior Advisory Panel member
- City of Toronto’s Seniors Strategy Accountability Table, Caregiver Advisor
- The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Research Family Advisory Group
- SE Health, Wiser Advisor Fellows Council
- Translational Research Program (TRP) at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine, Mentor In Residence (Patient Engagement)
- Ontario SPOR Support Unit (OSSU) (SPOR – Strategy in Patient-Oriented Research), Board Director
- Dementia Advocacy Canada (DAC), Lived dementia experience member
- Canadian Home Builder’s Association / Home Modification Canada, Aging in Place Caregiver Advisor
Further in his past, Ron has a background in Computer Sciences, Space and Communication Sciences, Marine Aquaculture, Life Coaching, Culinary Arts, and Entrepreneurship. He was the Founder and Executive Director of a Youth Career and Employment Centre that served over 30,000 young people, immigrants, and career changers in the Toronto area during its’ operation.