Victoria Eastwood“The 4 Forces of Strategic Differentiation”

Moderator: Victoria Eastwood, Founder, InSync Executive Coaching

Most business owners struggle with their Value Proposition and have immense difficulty with differentiating their offer in a way that feels both authentic and accurate. We live in a business climate where competition is ever increasing, commoditization of our offer is becoming the norm, and consumers are increasingly skeptical. This environment requires a different approach to building value and it is essential that the entrepreneur have not only clarity and confidence in their offer, but also express an inspired vision of a better world.

In this session, Canada’s first Differentiation Coach — a Master Certified Coach and ICF Coaching Impact award recipient — will help conference delegates understand how they can improve their business performance by:

  • Injecting the one over-looked and essential ingredient into their Value Proposition
  • Leveraging a proven framework to create a sustainable, differentiated offer
  • Understanding how to take their business from success to significance

*Please Note: ALL Sessions are LIVE, no recordings are available at this time.

Speaker: Michèle Soregaroli, Co-Founder, Master Certified Coach, Transformation Catalyst